Breast Surgery

Types, Purpose, Risks, and What to Expect?

As a woman, the physical appearance of the breasts matters a lot. Any unusual look can make you feel uncomfortable and even limit your self-confidence. Due to this, most women are looking for various reliable ways of enhancing their breasts. Luckily, breast surgery abroad is an effective method that can help solve this issue. 

Breast surgery refers to a surgical operation performed to change the initial shape and appearance of the breast. Sometimes, it can be done to rectify deformities and damages caused by certain conditions. 

Type of Breast Surgery

These are the prevalent categories of breast surgeries; 

Augmentation Mammoplasty Surgery This is a procedure to enlarge the breasts or change its original shape. Women undergo breast augmentation surgery to feel good and confident. But others do it as a way of reconstructing their breast after being damaged by certain diseases. 

Augmentation surgery involves placing implants beneath the breast tissue or the chest muscles. The common types of breast implants abroad include; 

Saline breast implants: Filled with sterile salty water. 

Structured saline breast implants: Filled with sterile saltwater and has an inside structure that makes the implant look and feels natural. 

Silicone breast implants: Filled with silicone gel that feels more like natural breast tissue. 

Form-stable implants: These implants maintain their initial form even if the implant shell breaks. 

Round breast implants: Makes the breast look full and firm.  

Smooth breast implants: Has a soft texture and feel

Textured breast implants: Has scar tissue that makes the implant stick firmly; hence doesn’t move inside the breast. 

Purpose of Augmentation Mammoplasty Surgery

This procedure can help in various ways, including; 

  • Boost self-confidence 
  • Modify the size of the breast, especially after pregnancy 
  • Improve the overall appearance; if they are too small or one is slightly smaller as compared to the other. 
  • Rectify the unequal breast after undergoing surgery 

Breast Reduction Surgery (Reduction Mammaplasty)

This procedure is performed to get rid of tissues, skin, and fats that cause excessive weight on the breast. Too much weight causes pain in the neck, back, skin irritation, and numbness. 

Therefore, women with larger breasts can opt for this type of surgery, especially if you want to feel more comfortable. Moreover, it will help you achieve the desired breast size that is also proportional to the body. Men with abnormally enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) can as well undergo reduction mammaplasty. 

The final results of this procedure are usually positive, and most women are highly contented. Besides, it enhances the overall appearance and the ability to engage in various physical activities.

Why Breast Reduction surgery is done?

Reduction mammaplasty is specifically designed for any woman with large breasts. It’s performed to solve challenges like; 

  • Chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and back that sometimes require pain-relieving drugs. 
  • Pain in the nerves 
  • Severe skin irritation and rashes that develop beneath the breasts 
  • Inability to engage in certain activities 
  • Difficulty when it comes to fitting into clothing and bras 
  • Poor self-esteem due to large breasts 

Reduction mammaplasty is not recommended, especially if you are a smoker, obese, or suffering from certain diseases. Also, it’s not an alternative procedure if you intend to avoid scars on the breasts. 

Lumpectomy Surgery

A lumpectomy is a type of breast surgery to remove abnormal tissues or tumors on the breasts. It involves cutting out a small portion of the breast tissues affected by the cancerous tumor. 

Lumpectomy can also be referred to as breast-sparing, breast-conserving, or wide excision surgery. Medical doctors often opt for this type of surgery to treat minor and early-stage cancer in women. 

Furthermore, lumpectomy surgery helps conserve some breast tissues and maintain the breast’s original appearance and shape. 

Why is lumpectomy surgery performed? 

The doctor can recommend a lumpectomy as a way of treating breast cancer or removing a benign tumor. Mostly, doctors opt for this method only if other less risky treatment forms fail or are not effective. 

Always consult a doctor before deciding to undergo lumpectomy surgery. He/she will advise if it’s the best treatment option to consider. 

Mastectomy Surgery

Unlike lumpectomy, mastectomy involves the removal of all the breast tissues. It’s a technique that most doctors use to treat or prevent breast tumors. 

While lumpectomy is a good option for early-stage breast cancer, mastectomy may as well be another treatment option. At times, it’s difficult to decide between lumpectomy and mastectomy since both are effective when it comes to treating and preventing breast tumors. 

There are various types of mastectomy surgery. These types, however, depend on the number of tissues to be removed and the procedure. It includes; 

Simple or total mastectomy: Removal of the whole breast, including areola, nipple, and the skin. 

Skin sparing mastectomy: Removal of the breast tissues, areola, and nipple. However, most of the skin around the breast is left. 

Nipple-sparing mastectomy: Removal of breast tissues only while the nipple and the skin are left intact. 

Modified radical mastectomy: This procedure combines simple mastectomy and the removal of the lymph nodes beneath the arm. 

Overall, the type of mastectomy to choose depends on various factors such as; 

  • Age
  • Size of the tumor
  • Overall health 
  • Stage and grade of the tumor 
  • Menopause status 
  • Hormone receptor tissue of the tumor 
  • If the lymph nodes are involved or not

Why is Mastectomy surgery done? 

Mastectomy surgery helps remove cancerous breast tissues or the tissues that are at higher risk of developing tumors. Also, the doctor can recommend it due to the following reasons; 

  • Two or more tumors that develop in different parts of the breast 
  • Previous radiation on the breast region and recurrent breast cancer 
  • If you are pregnant and radiation can harm the unborn baby 
  • Large tumor as compared to the size of the breast 
  • Connective tissues disorders 

Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)

Breast lift surgery is a procedure to lift or raise breasts. It involves the removal of the excess skin and reinforcing or tightening other surrounding tissues. This helps reshape and give robust support to the new breast structure. 

Breast lift is suitable if you wish to lift the sagging breasts or if the nipples are facing downwards. This procedure can be a good way of boosting self-confidence and overall appearance. Furthermore, breast lift surgery doesn’t change the initial size of the breast. 

At times, it can be performed together with breast reduction or breast augmentation. This is if you want to lift and increase the size of your breasts at the same time. 

Why Breast Lift surgery is done?

You can decide to do a breast lift due to reasons such as; 

  • Pregnancy- the ligaments supporting the breasts tend to stretch as the breast becomes heavy and full. 
  • Age- during old age, breast shape changes and lose firmness and elasticity 
  • Fluctuations or changes in overall body weight 
  • Gravity- this makes the breast ligaments to droop and stretch 
  • Breastfeeding 
  • Genetics 

Breast Biopsy

Breast biopsy refers to a surgical procedure where the breast tissue sample is extracted and taken to the lab for testing purposes. It’s a diagnosing technique that determines if a lump or parts of the breast contain cancerous cells. 

Once the test is done, the doctor can determine whether you require another surgical procedure or other treatment forms. However, you should know that not all breast lumps and growths are cancerous. So to be certain, breast biopsy is normally recommended. 

Why is a Breast Biopsy performed? 

The doctor can recommend you to undergo a breast biopsy due to various reasons such as; 

  • A lump or growth in the breast that the doctor suspects to be cancerous 
  • MRI or ultrasound scan shows some suspicious results
  • The mammography displays a suspicious region of the breast
  • Unusual areola or nipple change; for instance, scaling, crusting, or discharge of blood

Risks Associated with Breast Surgery

Just like any other surgical procedure, certain risks and complications are also associated with breast surgery. They include; 

  • Anesthesia effects 
  • Dislocation of the implant
  • Disturbance of the sensory organs 
  • Increased scarring
  • Asymmetry 
  • Infections 
  • Capsular contracture 
  • Seroma 

What to Expect?

A few weeks before the surgery, the doctor may conduct various tests and examinations, including X-rays, blood tests, or electrocardiograms. The doctor can as well do a physical examination to determine your overall health status. 

The doctor will also administer anesthesia just before the procedure begins; it can be local or general anesthesia. The type of anesthesia usually depends on the surgery and other individual preferences. 

Once the procedure is done, the doctor will admit you to the recovery room, where you will be monitored as you recover from anesthesia. As soon as the doctor confirms that you are in good condition, you will be discharged. He/she will give some instructions like how to take care of incisions, dressing, and drainage tubes. 


Breast surgery is an effective method that most women are opting for. It helps them change the shape and appearance of their breasts and enhance confidence. Breast surgery also offers alternative solutions ranging from breast augmentation, reconstruction, or reduction. 

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