Humped Nose


Actors like Adrian Brody and Sarah Jessica Parker rely on their dorsal humps to get unusual roles, but you’re probably not auditioning for the next quirky comedy.

The form and size of our nose, as the central point of our face, have a huge impact on our look and the initial impression we create. The nasal dorsum, an area of bone and cartilage that extends from between the eyes to the nose tip, is the nose’s biggest and most visible component.

The nasal dorsum can become swollen, humped, and unsightly as a result of heredity or damage. Dorsal hump surgery is one of the most typical requests at a rhinoplasty specialist’s clinic.

What causes Humped Nose?

  1. Nasal Traum

Nasal bones are the most commonly damaged bones in the face and are a significant cause of asymmetric nose. Ignored or improperly healed nasal fractures typically result in a deformed nose with surface depressions and irregularities. These people usually arrive without having sought medical attention previously, and many have a history of progressive nasal changes following a traumatic experience. Many of those who seek counseling as a result of the incident are unsuccessful.

External nasal anomalies are frequently linked to the development of nasal blockage. The causing trauma results in septal deviation as well as disturbance of normal nasal support systems. If nasal support is eliminated, internal and external nasal valve collapse may ensue.

A humped nose might be the result of a recent injury or years of scarring and contracture from previous injuries. Many people believe they were born with a humped nose or that the condition is inherited; nevertheless, both patients and doctors frequently overlook childhood trauma as a typical cause of twisted nose. Children are usually victims of trauma, which causes them to deviate gradually. The majority of a child’s nose is cartilage. Nasal bones are smaller, softer, and more flexible, and they may absorb trauma energy.

Birth trauma might result in nasal septal deviation. Nasal septal anomalies are estimated to affect 23% of infants. Although forceps-assisted or breech birth is usually reported as the cause of injury, intrauterine forces may also be to blame for newborn cartilage abnormalities. These deviations, fortunately, are easily corrected throughout the early neonatal period. At the bedside, a misplaced septum is typically repaired using blunt forceps.

Lateral forces are commonly responsible for nasal fractures. With this sort of damage, the nose may appear deviated, although it is not. This look is caused by the depression of a unilateral bone fragment. Unilateral trauma, for example, may in-fracture one nasal sidewall, causing nasal dorsum deviation to the opposite side to develop. This type of injury has a good chance of restoring function.

The frontal force of a completely deviated nasal fracture is greater than the lateral force. Because nasal bones are buttressed by the frontal process of the maxilla, nasal spine, and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, frontal impact needs more energy to produce nasal fracture. As a result of direct frontal injury, the nasal bones are shattered and spread. The septum, which acts as a stress absorber in the nose, can fracture and get dislodged from its pedestal. A septal fracture causes nasal injury, which demands a more extensive repair operation.

    2. Nose & Septum Diseases
Septum and internal nose diseases can cause resorption of supporting components, resulting in nasal valve collapse and deviation. Autoimmune or immunologic diseases are two well-known kinds of septal injury. Physicians may overlook this category of illnesses while making a differential diagnosis of asymmetric nose cause. Connective-tissue diseases are important in otolaryngology. Unless an appropriate diagnosis is achieved, many symptoms and anatomic anomalies will recur or worsen after surgical treatment.

Two other diagnostic variables are drug addiction and neoplastic processes. Nasal mucosal ulcers are caused by inhaling cocaine via the nose. With sustained use, mucosal atrophy and septal perforation may occur. In cases of neoplastic or polypoid illness, a thorough inspection of the nose reveals mucosal changes. Nasal bones and cartilage can lateralize, resulting in nose asymmetries in the middle and upper thirds. The nasal surgeon must investigate these less evident causes of a deviated nose.

Do Dorsal Humps affect the Breathing?

Dorsal humps, unlike a deviated septum, a medical problem that can cause your nose to seem crooked, do not usually impede breathing.

Although a dorsal hump might make the nose look impaired, the bone-and-cartilage irregularity does not impair breathing.

Because of an accident that generated a dorsal hump, your septal passageways may be deviated, but eliminating the hump may not necessarily enhance your capacity to breathe freely.

Dorsal hump reduction is a personal choice rather than a medical requirement. These bumps should be eliminated only if you are unsatisfied with the form and look of your nose and have a strong, constant desire to change it.

Benefits of Humped Nose Job

In addition to cosmetic benefits, rhinoplasty for a humped nose can improve a patient’s sleeping, breathing, and overall quality of life. The following are five of the most common humped nose rhinoplasty benefits:

  1. Improved nose size. A rhinoplasty, sometimes known as a nose job, is usually performed just to modify the size of a patient’s nose so that it better compliments their face. A rhinoplasty can be performed by a plastic surgeon to treat and repair the size of the nose, regardless of how big, tiny, broad, or narrow it is.
  2. Corrected nasal symmetry. Patients seeking rhinoplasty sometimes have an uneven nose. This might be the consequence of an accident, a congenital condition, or a previous badly done nose operation.
  3. More attractive features. Several more aesthetic defects can be corrected with a rhinoplasty operation for a humped nose. Many people are concerned about a hump on the bridge of the nose. Patients of certain ethnicities, such as those of Middle Eastern descent, are prone to this. In these circumstances, your doctor may recommend ethnic rhinoplasty as a more personalized approach to therapy. This method considers the specific structural components of the nose while preserving the patient’s natural features and resolving their concerns. Other traits that can be corrected with rhinoplasty include an upturned nasal tip and a hook at the end of the nose.
  4. Better sleep. Patients commonly report enhanced sleep after rhinoplasty due to improved ventilation. A nose job is routinely used to cure and restore sleep apnea and snoring symptoms, enabling patients to sleep undisturbed and peacefully.
  5. Improved self-esteem. The most significant positive outcome of rhinoplasty therapy is likely to be an increase in a patient’s overall quality of life. Following rhinoplasty, both men and women often experience major improvements in their self-confidence and self-image, as well as improved breathing and sleep. This newly acquired self-worth can be ascribed to improved relationships, a busy social life, and increased professional performance. 

Preparation For Humped Nose Job

In preparing for rhinoplasty surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get a lab test (e.g. CBC).
  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • If you have chronic medical diseases (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, asthma & GERD), they should all be controlled before undergoing the procedure.

Your plastic surgeon will also go over the location of your procedure with you. Rhinoplasty can be done at a hospital, a licensed ambulatory surgery center, or a permitted office-based surgical facility. Make plans for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to remain with you for at least the first night following surgery.

Humped Nose Reduction Procedure

The purpose of this operation is to smooth and balance the dorsal aesthetic lines with the rest of the patient’s nose and face.

Closed rhinoplasty procedures can be used to decrease little or big dorsal humps. The size of the hump, the patient’s desired nasal structure, the presence of cartilage and bone, and the length of the patient’s nasal bones will all be evaluated by surgeons. To minimize a dorsal hump, the source of the hump must be identified because, in certain circumstances, nonsurgical procedures might be used to repair the nose.

Filing down the hump may be the answer to lowering the dorsal hump if the hump is minor and the patient has a supporting bridge region. Upper lateral cartilages can lose support if the hump is greater and the nasal bones are shorter, which can be prevented by the implantation of spreader grafts after surgery. If the hump is minimized and there is a hole between the nasal bones, lateral osteotomies (nasal bone fractures) may be done to restore the nasal bridge’s natural look.

Before the operation, your surgeon will discuss the possibility of osteotomies with you. Osteotomies may seem scary, but they are only tiny, controlled, curved fractures of the nasal bones. During the operation, the surgeon will assess whether or not the bones need to be osteotomized; if the nasal bones are split during the dorsal hump reduction, delicate osteotomies may be required. 

There may be greater bruising and edema if the nasal bones are shattered during the surgery. Whether or not osteotomies are performed, the pain should be modest and the patient should appear presentable ten days after the procedure.

There may be significant edema where the hump was removed after a dorsal hump-ectomy. Depending on how much treatment was done on the dorsal hump, this should go away after three to four months of surgery. However, bruising and edema are usually minor following a dorsal hump reduction.

How the Recovery Looks Like?

The recovery length varies by patient; however, it is usually approximately 8 days. Rhinoplasty is a simple procedure that may cause discomfort for a few days afterward. You may suffer slight bruising or swelling around the eyes after surgery, which should go away by day 8. Herbal medicines and cold Swiss therapy gel masks can help alleviate this after nose surgery.

Your cast and stitches will be removed on the sixth postoperative day, and your nose will be retaped. On day 8, he removes all of the sutures and the tape. At this point, you’ve gotten pals! Most, if not all, of your bruises should be gone by then. The nose will be expanded but not obvious to others at this time. After two weeks, you may resume your regular training routine.

Your swelling will go down over time. After three weeks, 20-30% of the edema has gone away. After 6 weeks, 50-60% of the edema has gone away. It will take a year for the swelling to go completely.

While recovering over the next 2 weeks, avoid:

  • Blowing your nose.
  • Excessive chewing.
  • Facial expressions that require excessive movement (laughing).
  • Painkillers containing ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • Physical contact with your nose.
  • Smoking.
  • Strenuous physical activities.
  • Swimming.

Dorsal Hump Removal Without Surgery

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty, often known as liquid rhinoplasty, is a safe and effective alternative to surgery. This technique, which involves injecting dermal fillers into the regions around the dorsal hump, requires just topical anaesthetic and may be performed in approximately half an hour.

The effects can endure between 6 months and 2 years, which implies that touch-ups will be required in the future to preserve the results. On the bright side, it is substantially less expensive than rhinoplasty, has fewer possible problems, and requires little to no recovery time before returning to normal activities.

Complications of Humped Nose Plastic Surgery

  • Early and late complications

Hemorrhage, edema, and ecchymosis are common early postoperative problems. Predisposing circumstances should be avoided while treating hemorrhage. All anticoagulant drugs or herbs should be avoided prior to surgery. Salicylates, in particular, should be discontinued 10-14 days before surgery. A preoperative hematologic assessment is recommended if there is a history of excessive bleeding or bruising with mild trauma, or if there is a large family history of bleeding disorders.

Edema and ecchymosis are typical side effects of rhinoplasty, varied in severity according on the patient and operations undertaken. Ecchymosis usually clears up in 2-4 weeks, although it might last for months in certain people, particularly those of Mediterranean descent. Edema heals more slowly over time, taking months to clear.

Fortunately, infection is a rare complication. Periostitis can occur along fracture or osteotomy lines and generally resolves with antibiotic therapy. Bone dust or fragments should be carefully removed to minimize this problem. Occasionally, callus formation at the site of bony hump removal or osteotomy sites can occur.

  • Osteotomy complications

Open roof deformity is primarily an issue in the following types of patients:

  1. Those who require removal of large wide humps and have thick nasal bones
  2. Those who have high thin humps where flattening and widening of the dorsum tends to occur postoperatively rather than the normal roundness
  3. Those who have strong dorsal humps with a deviated septum, which must be corrected to allow infracture.

When the lateral osteotomy is put too high, it causes stair-step deformity. Greenstick fractures caused by an incomplete superior fracture at the nasal root might cause nasal bone lateralization over time. When the back fracture occurs through the thicker bone of the nasofrontal area, a rocker deformity might occur. When the lateral nasal wall is shifted medially, a fulcrum effect occurs, resulting in lateralization of the superior side of the bony segment. A second osteotomy at the proper back fracture area is required for correction.

In patients with short nasal bones, lateral osteotomy and infracture to fix an open roof deformity can cause the middle nasal vault to collapse. Spreader grafts can be put between the septum and the upper lateral cartilages to support the internal nasal valve and avoid medial collapse of the upper lateral cartilages if this collapse is a concern.

  • Overresection or underresection

Overresection of the nasal dorsum might result in saddle-nose deformity. Depending on the degree of the deformity, this can be repaired with dorsal augmentation using autogenous cartilage or bone grafting. Alloplastic materials can be employed as well.

Polly beak deformity can occur as a result of inadequate lowering of the dorsal septum during dorsal hump excision. This malformation can also be caused by insufficient trimming of the top lateral cartilages to lay flat with the dorsal septum.

The surgeon should be cautious during dorsal hump resection because overresection is a harder condition to fix than underresection. If a modest dorsal prominence persists as a result of insufficient skin-soft tissue envelope redrapage or underresection, repair is simple with cautious reexcision (cartilage) or refinement with rasping (bone) during revision surgery.

A high dorsum and mild prominence, on the other hand, transmits a natural, unoperated appearance and can be a desirable consequence, particularly in the noses of men and people of specific races. This result contrasts with the scooped-out look of an overresected dorsum, which can be an indication of surgery.

Cost of Humped Nose Job

This operation normally takes an hour and a half and is priced accordingly. Each person’s nasal demands vary, but the average dorsal hump removal cost is $4,500. Consult a face plastic surgeon in person to evaluate your nose. They will give you with a personalized treatment plan to assist you achieve your ideal nose anatomy.


Many people want surgery to eliminate or reduce the dorsal hump on the ridge of their nose. This hump can be of varying prominence and caused by a variety of factors. The dorsal hump can be decreased surgically or nonsurgically, depending on its cause and size.

A dorsal hump is made up of bone and cartilage. The dorsal hump originates at the top of the nose near the eyes and terminates before the nasal tip when patients look at their face profile. Most patients with a dorsal hump want a flatter, smoother nasal bridge.

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